
No sucking in by Francesco Vezzola starring Valeriya Tyurina

“Pose at an angle to make yourself look thinner”
“Hide your hands”
“Suck it in”

There are some pretty standard phrases new faces often hear when they begin shooting. Most photographers, agents, and directors will say that this is “just how it is done”, and that they are just trying to groom the models to be the “best versions” of themselves. However, how does the way we expect models to pose reflect in the ideals of our society today?

Well first off, it says that we as a society would prefer our women as thin as possible. Whether that is just for a frame, or a infinity of frames. Secondly, “hands are also just ugly, nobody wants to see them”, constantly repeats my friend, who is a photographer. Aren’t we past the Victorian era, in which women constantly had to cover their hands? Back then women may have worn gloves for different reasons, but our hands are our freedom. We would be nothing without our opposable thumbs, and yet we are constantly encouraged to close them.

I am not saying we should always show our armpits, spread our toes, and do cart wheels for photoshoots – but I am writing this to challenge our ideals of what is considered “flattering”. Thinner is not better. Hands are beautiful. And do not suck in – Let go.Valeriya01s Valeriya02s Valeriya03s Valeriya04s Valeriya05s Valeriya06s Valeriya07s Valeriya08s Valeriya09s Valeriya10s Valeriya11s Valeriya12s

Photographer: Francesco Vezzola ig @francescovezzola
Model: Valeriya Tyurina @True Model New York, Hughes UK
Text: Valeriya Tyurina




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